Taking Exams and managing results online made easy with EduCloud
Exam Dashboard
Create and publish exams quickly.
Create Complex Customized Exams.
Create exams on the go through app.
Auto notification to Students & Parents of upcoming exams & results.
Custom Grade Boundary and Auto Result calculation.
Exam Result
Auto calculation of exam results by Grade, Percentage, Percentile and Rank.
Enter marks through app.
Publish results with the click of a button.
Compare results.
Give detailed Feedback to parent for each exam performance.
Exam and Results at your fingertips
Create, edit, publish exams and results from app.
Enter marks and calculate results through the app.
Get detailed result graph analysis in the app.
Student Progress Graph
Compare Student results with previous results & notify performance change to parents.
Visualize data with our wide variety of graphs.
Compare Student Performance
Compare students performance across all subjects.
Analyze student progress with respect to time.
Get actionable insights with detailed graph analysis.
Academic Reports
Generate fully customized academic reports with our revolutionary report engine.
Use exams and assignments created to generate a wide variety of beautiful reports.
Zero Manual Calculations.
Automatic grading and calculations.
Seamless integration with Exams and Assignments.
Wide variety of customizable report formats.
Custom logos.
Custom signatures.
Custom teacher comments.
Get digital exam, results and report generation system